Oleaceae, but onlyBy chromosomal area LSC IRb SSC IRa 34.94 43.01 30.17 43.01 32.01 28.54 34.87 28.44 33.04 28.44 34.95 28.54 17.92 20.76 15.82 22.24 17.01 22.24 14.34 20.76 86,078 26,050 18,328 26,By codon position Position 1 Position two Position three 45.33 37.77 29.40 30.77 29.58 32.17 23.90 32.65 38.44 18.65 19.95 13.58 26.68 17.81 15.82 26,535 26,535 26,doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062548.ttaxonomic levels [68], further indicating the possible of these regions for species-level phylogenetics of Ardisia. It is notable that the longest of the 16 regions, rps16-trnQ-UUG, includes a length of only 429 bp in Arabidopsis and only 407 bp in Spinacia, which features a sister relationship with asterids [3]. In asterids, its length is largely in the range in between 800 and 1,300 bp, and is more than 1,700 bp in three lineages distributed in euasterids I (Oleaceae), euasterids II (Panax) and basal asterids (Ardisia). This length variation suggests that this region evolves somewhat rapidly in asterids. Moreover, its length inside a. polysticta is shorter than 1,800 bp and as a result might be sequenced having a single PCR run and Sanger sequencing with primers at both ends. In light of these, the rps16-trnQ-UUG spacer appears to become theTable two. List on the most conserved along with the most divergent intergenic regions in Ardisia-Sesamum and Ardisia-Panax comparisons.Most conserveda Region ndhA-ndhH rpoC1-rpoB psbL-psbF rpl2-rpl23 rrn23-rrn4.five trnI-GAU-trnA-UGC trnV-GAC-rrn16 rrn16-trnI-GAU psaB-psaA rrn4.5-rrn5 ycf2-ycf15 trnN-GUU-ycf1 trnI-CAU-ycf2 rpl23-trnI-CAU ndhB-rps7 rps7-rps12_3′ psbT-psbN Pairwise distance 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.016 0.037 0.039 0.041 0.045 0.046 0.047 0.047 0.057 0.058 0.059 0.073 Most divergenta,b Region Pairwise distance 0.556 0.456 0.455 0.430 0.419 0.394 0.391 0.376 0.375 0.374 0.364 0.354 0.339 0.334 0.327 Length (bp) in Ardisia 790 341 120 249 531 425 1,771 one hundred 737 305 503 967 62 902 393 3 3 3 3 Shaw et al. (2007)crpl32-trnL-UAGndhG-ndhI rpl14-rpl16 ccsA-ndhDtrnK-UUU-rpstrnH-GUG-psbArps16-trnQ-UUGtrnL-UAG-ccsAtrnS-GCU-trnG-UCCtrnS-GGA-rpstrnF-GAA-ndhJ ndhC-trnV-UACpsbI-trnS-GCUndhF-rplrps15-ycfa Among the 20 most conserved/divergent regions in Ardisia-Sesamum and Ardisia-Panax pairwise comparisons, the shared regions are listed in the order of increasing/ decreasing divergence in Ardisia-Sesamum comparison.Glycine b The most divergent regions in boldface are those of prospective phylogenetic utility (.Esaxerenone 500 bp).PMID:23399686 c Regions highlighted in Shaw et al. (2007) are checked. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062548.tPLOS One particular | www.plosone.orgPlastid Genome Sequence of Ardisia polystictaTable 3. Distribution of simple sequence repeats within the Ardisia polysticta plastome.Get started positiona 5,337; 33,249; 43,327; 64,939; 83,012; 116,070 four,628; 14,067; 112,074 (Yycf1) 22,968; 82,976; 84,629 137,791 67,937 9,380; 12,440 five,313; 13,270; 26633 (rpoB); 42,947; 53,575; 55,547 (atpB); 64,816; 79,972 (rpoA); 81,903; 83,742; 115,516; 128,593 3,834; 18,901 (rpoC2); 305,42; 125,407 (rps15); 128,239 (ycf1); 129,591 (ycf1); 130,221 (ycf1); 130,501 (ycf1) 23,038; 36,512; 52,482 10,782; 104,782 59,954 127,000 (ycf1) 22,958 73,448 20,283 (rpoC2) 68,297; 81,280 127,419 (ycf1) 117,842 (ndhD) 37,382 68,040 7,987 65,070 122,685 6,966 79,Repeat unit ALength (bp) 10 11 12 13 14Number of SSRs six 3 3 1 1 two 12 8 three two 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1T10 11 12 13 14C G AT10 12 10TA AATA ATAA ATTT TAGT TTCT GAAA GAAT TAAAT10 12 12 12 12 16 12 12a SSR-containing coding regions are indicated in parentheses. doi:.
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