251.0 Remedy 0.75 Remedy 0.5 Treatment 0.25 Treatment 0.1 TreatmentExposure

251.0 Remedy 0.75 Remedy 0.5 Treatment 0.25 Treatment 0.1 TreatmentExposure Time (mins)Exposure Time (mins)Figure 7. V. negundo important oil obtained from (a) Kogi, (b) Benue, (c) Niger, (d) Nasarawa, (e) Plateau, and (f) Kwara, Figure 7. V. negundo CCR5 Accession Crucial oil obtained from (a) Kogi, (b) Benue, (c) Niger, (d) Nasarawa, (e) Plateau, and (f) Kwara, mosquito repellency per 5 min at a 30 min exposure periods. mosquito repellency per five min at a 30 min exposure periods.Insects 2021, 12,14 ofInsects 2021, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW14 of(a)11(b )K w a ra P la te a u Kogi N as a r a w a C on t r o l N ig e r Benue90Mosquito repellentMosquito repelled70 60 50 40 30 201 . 0 Tre a t m e n t 0 . 7 5 Tre a t m e n t 0 . five Tre a t m e n t 0 . 2 five Tre a t m e n t0 . 1 Tre a t m e n tE x p o s u r e T im e ( m i n s )0.0 .0.0.0 .1.D o s e ( v /v )Figure 8. (a) mosquito repellency each 5 min at an exposure time of 30 min to N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) Figure Dose response mosquito repellency study an exposure essential min to N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) and (b)eight. (a) mosquito repellency every five min at of V. negundotime of 30oils obtained from the six states. and (b) Dose response mosquito repellency study of V. negundo crucial oils obtained from the six states.three.5. Efficient Dose in the BRD3 review Necessary Oils from the North-Central Geopolitical Zone There was an increase in the variety of mosquitos repelled with time with an optimal Making use of the Probit attained at about 15 (ED All the important oil samples repellency activityanalysis model, the helpful dosemin. 50 ) that would repel 50 from the mosquito significant is presented in Table 4. The ED50 on the oils and good the period showed a population improve in the percentage of mosquitoes repelled inside manage are inside the order of DEET Kwara Niger Plateau and Nasarawa mosquitoes repelled is of investigation with no substantial distinction inside the percentage of Benue Kogi. There (p a important different (p 0.05) and repellency of the oils from Kwara, Niger, Plateau, 0.05) among the critical oilsin thethe N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide. Because the doses and Nasarawa compared to Benue and Kogi. a concentration where there are no observincreased, the repellency activity improved to the repellency home with the oils showed a composition oncentration dependent activity, which is not in variance with the outcome in a position adjustments in activity. Even so, the optimal concentration varies from state to state as obtained its compositional variation investigation (Figures 7 and eight). Even so, DEET a result ofin the mosquito behavioral (Table 3). Crucial oils from Niger, Kwara, Plateau showed pretty potent repellency at ED50 of 0.01 v/v compared to the oils from all states. and Nasarawa showed optimal repellency at a concentration of 0.5 v/v even though Niger, BeThis observation is on account of the variation within the composition. nue, and Kogi oil samples showed an optimal effect at 0.75 v/v. Around the contrary, DEET showed no significant difference (p 0.05) in repellency activity because the concentration Table 4. Successful does ( v/v) of critical oil from the six states and N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide. changed. This inference is in consonance with all the research of C denas-Ortega et al. [69] and Senthil-Nathan [70], which emphasize Dose ( v/v) Critical Oil Location Powerful the slight variation within the repellency activities R-Square Values of samples due toState presence and